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Company Profile

Our company has been operating with more than 20 years of work experience.

Since the first day of its establishment, it has adopted the customer-oriented high quality and precision with the appropriate optimal price and has attracted the attention of the entire market.

Our company provides high quality machine production and service with its wide machine park. Our production range includes Electrofusion Welding Machines, Data Logger, Hand Extruder, Butt Welding Machines, Polyethylene Fittings, Metal Valves, Fire Hydrants, PPRC Welding Machines and Welding Accessories. In the near future, our goal is to dominate the largest percentage of production in the country and abroad.

We continue to work in this direction. We hope that we will reach our goal of working with everyone in the fastest way possible.

Thank you for choosing us.


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Our Quality Policy and Mission

With its team with a unique perspective working within the company, it does not compromise on quality and compatibility in its products and comes to its customers with its innovations created by adopting the philosophy of signing differences in every detail as a principle.

  • To take its place in the sector to a higher level,
  • To continuously improve our product and service quality and to meet customer demands and expectations in the best way,
  • Adding new product groups every day and accordingly maximizing manufacturer expectations,
  • To adopt the principle of developing domestic and international service understanding in order to provide new jobs and contribute to the national economy,
  • To provide permanent superiority by creating differences and to maximize producer expectations with our wide product range.
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Environment and Occupational Health

Sturdy Machine has determined its Environmental & Occupational Health policy as follows;

  • Adhering to the applicable legal regulations and other requirements regarding the Environment and Occupational Health and Safety that we comply with.
  • To plan and carry out the necessary trainings and activities to raise awareness of all our employees about the Environment and Occupational Health and Safety.
  • Integrating Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety activities with the Quality Management System and regularly monitoring improvement efforts.
  • In order to prevent environmental pollution caused by processes and products, as well as to plan activities related to the disposal and recovery of our wastes, to carry out and implement reduction studies.
  • To use energy and natural resources effectively and to minimize the damages that may occur by being sensitive to the environment.